
IELTS - Half Band Scores

Half Band Scores
From 1 July 2007, we’re making a small but important change which will make IELTS Band Scores more informative.

Scores for each part of the test will still be reported on the scale from 1 to 9, but now the Writing and Speaking modules will be reported in whole or half-bands in the same way as the Reading and Listening modules.

Why is the scoring being changed?

This is the latest in a series of enhancements to IELTS, based on continual consultation with test takers, teachers, Recognising Organisations and other stakeholders around the world.

This range of scores – using full and half-bands – is already used for Listening and Reading. We have consulted a large number of organisations that use IELTS scores, and their feedback tells us that they find the half band scores very helpful as they allow them to specify required language levels more precisely. Many teachers and test takers have also told us that they would like more detailed information on performance in each skill.

What will the benefits be?

There will be two main benefits to the new arrangements:

Recognising Organisations will be able to set their requirements for admission, recruitment, etc, more precisely, based on more detailed information about the test-taker’s performance in each module.
Test takers will get a report that gives them more information on their strengths and weaknesses.
It will also mean that the IELTS scores are easier for everyone to understand because all parts of the exam will now be reported in the same way.

Does this change the way the exams will be marked?

No. Examiners will assess test takers’ performance in exactly the same way as at present. The full and half-band scores will then be determined when the scores are processed by the IELTS scores calculation system/software. There will not be any change in the way examiners mark the tests, test takers, so the meaning of the overall Band Scores remains unchanged.

Recognising Organisations do not need to change the way they use IELTS scores unless they require a Writing and Speaking band score in addition to the Overall Band Score. Organisations should review and update their score requirements for Writing and/or Speaking if these modules are required along with Overall Band Score.

Should teachers and test takers change the way they prepare for the exams?

No. The tests and the way they are marked will remain exactly the same.

Can test takers get half-band scores for previous tests?

It is not possible to issue half-band scores for Speaking and Writing for tests taken before 1 July 2007

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